Toward Racial Justice and a Third Reconstruction

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Here’s what Angela Y. Davis, Anthony Thigpenn, Jeff Chang and Andrea Mercado are saying about Toward Racial Justice and a New Reconstruction:

Over the years Bob Wing has offered compelling examples of what it means to take a radical stand for peace, racial justice and socialism. This collection of his always insightful writings from the last two decades allows us to trace recent challenges of left movements, both inside and beyond electoral politics, and to reflect on how we defeat Trump and the ultra right he has emboldened in the years to come.

Angela Y. Davis,
Distinguished Professor Emerita,
History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies,
University of California, Santa Cruz

Bob Wing’s Toward Racial Justice is crucial reading for social justice organizers and movement leaders, especially in this most consequential period of U.S. history.

Anthony Thigpenn,
President, California Calls

Anyone wishing to grasp the full horrifying contours of the current moment in the U.S., which he calls ‘a state of peaceful civil war,’ need look no further. In these incisive, original essays Bob Wing applies the hard-won lessons of his five decades in organizing to offer us powerful paths forward. Above the din of confusion, his voice constantly rings clear and true. Read this book, debate it, and act.”

Jeff Chang, author,
We Gon’ Be Alright: Notes on Race and Resegregation

Bob Wing has a deep understanding and clear analysis of how race, class, politics and organizing intersect. The essays in Toward Racial Justice and a Third Reconstruction are sure to spark important debate and inform proactive solutions. This book is a critical resource for anyone seeking to make desperately needed change.

Andrea Mercado,
Executive Director, Florida Rising

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